JEMS Entertainment, also known as Sharma Sisters, reside in Toronto, Canada. They established themselves ten years ago. This group consists of three sisters, Monica, Jessica, and Erica Sharma. Sharma Sisters perform Indian dances, of all types, including film songs, classical, and bhangra. They have performed all over North America, including Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa, California, Detroit, New York, Chicago, Washington D.C......the list is endless. Monica Sharma, who is the eldest of these three sisters has also worked in an Indian movie made in Toronto called Mohabbat Biktee Hay. Monica also studies in her third year at University, working her way towards becoming a physiotherapist. Jessica Sharma, the middle sister, began performing at the precious age of five years old. Jessica is in grade eleven, and is working her way towards entering somewhere in the medical field. Erica is the third JEM and is in grade ten. She hopes to become a teacher oneday. The Sharma Sisters perform at parties, stage shows, fashion shows, charity galas..........The JEMS also work as models part-time, as the appear in t.v. commercials every weekend on South-Asian shows. They have also been performing at the world's largest picnic, the CHIN International Picnic, and South-Asian day at Paramount Canada's Wonderland, for the past several years. The Sharma Sisters have also performed with many celebrities, as in Jaya Prada, Minoo Purshuttam, Sonu Nigam, Sardool Sikander, Satvinder Bitty, Manna Dey... The Sharma Sisters hope to have the continuous support and love that they have received from all of you. May God bless you all!!!